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Please remember that the past performance of any trading system or methodology is not necessarily indicative of future results. The content on this website is neither a solicitation nor an offer to Buy/Sell spot forex, cfd’s, futures, options or any other financial products. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those discussed in any material on this website.请记住,无论哪种交易策略或交易系统,过去的表现不能表明将来的结果。本网站的任何内容或信息都不是要招揽或提供针对期货交易,外汇交易,期权交易或其他金融产品的买或卖的建议,也不表明任何一个账户将会或可能会实现盈利或亏损。

High Risk Disclaimer and Warning: Forex, Futures, and any other financial products trading has a large potential risks. The high degree of leverage can work against you as well as for you. You must be aware of the risks of investing in forex, futures and other financial products and be willing to accept high level risks in order to trade in these markets. Please do not trade with borrowed money or money you cannot afford to lose. 风险提示,外汇,期货和其他金融产品都有潜在的高风险,高杠杆会对你有利也有害,你必须明白投资交易期货,外汇或其他金融产品的高风险并愿意承担这些高风险,请不要借钱做投资交易或者投资交易的金额超出你能承受的范围。

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Brokers and Trading Houses and Referral Agreements

Any mention or casual comments about brokers or trading houses is done so in good faith. Casual comments made about a broker or trading house CAN NOT be seen as “advice” or a “suggestion” to trade with any those broker or trading house. We will not be held liable for any problems or losses if you decide to sign up with a broker and trade live account. We may earn commissions from referring clients to a particular broker but at no extra cost to you. 如果本网站的内容或课程偶尔提到某个交易平台不能被视为“建议”或“推荐”,如果你决定开户使用某个交易提供商或交易平台,如果出现了运作的故障或问题,或经济损失我们不会承担任何责任。我们或许会收到佣金但是不会增加你额外的费用。

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This website may contain references to third party website, The links of any third party website is not an endorsement . we make no warranties or representations regarding the quality, accuracy, merchantability or fitness for purpose of the goods or services available from these websites. It is your responsibility to do due diligence investigation. Your obtaining of goods or services from those third party  websites is at your own risk. You indemnify this website (www.wwlogicdata.com) against all liability, loss, damage, cost and expense arising from or relating to your obtaining goods or services from a third party referred on this website. 本网站或许包含了第三方网站的链接,但是这些链接不能被视为 核准或代言,我们不能保证这些第三方网站的质量,合规准确性或高质量的服务。是使用者自己的责任去做尽职合规调查,使用的风险自负,如果你使用这些第三方网站的链接出现了经济损失,花费等,你同意并保证本网站免受赔偿诉求。


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wwLogicdata.com team

6th August 2022